Material Handling Motors

Exclusively Designed for Custom Requirements

Material Handling Motors Banner
Automated Guided Vehicle Motor
Automated Racking System Motors
Automated Guided Vehicle Motor
Automated Racking System Motors

Material Handling Motors

Material Handling in industries plays a vital role in lean manufacturing and maintaining safety.

EMPD provide motors to moderntechnological solution for material handling likeAutomated Racking's and Automated Guided Vehicles etc.

We have developed Brushless Direct Current(BLDC) motor for this modern day technologies of material handling.


  • Automated Guided Electric Vehicles
  • Automated Rackings
  • Forklifts

Product Specifications

Motor type Material Handling Motors
Rating 0.15kw-45kw
Mounting Special or B5
Construction Full Aluminium
Motor type SQIM or BLDC

Improve Your Operational Efficiency with Us!